Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Design Iterations - User Testing

User Testing 

As a part of the iterative design process, it is important that there is some user testing. This is to ensure that the product that is begin made is following the correct route and satisfying the needs of the brief. User testing is also important due to the fact that as mentioned in previous blog posts people simply do not act in the way designers think that they would, so where it is important to conduct research on an environment, such as Weymouth House, it is also incredibly important to conduct testing on the product itself. This is because people may not interact with the installation in the way that they are expected. 

Because of this I have conducted user testing on my installation. In my user testing a got a few people to test my installation. In doing this I was first watching to see if they would interact with the installation in the way that I expected and then quizzed them on what they thought on all aspects of the project, such as the design and the interaction element.

From the user testing I gained some very valuable feedback. The first was that people did interact with the installation the way that I had expected, which is a good because it means that people do firstly know how to use my installation. I also gained some feedback on the design aspect of the project. From the feedback it is clear that there will need to be something else within the installation because as someone said “it gets a bit boring”. I have previously mentioned that I would be creating a particle system to go with the installation and based of this feedback I believe that it will be very necessary as it does seem that there does need to be some other element to the installation. The particle system is also likely to make the installation more eye catching which will be needed because as seen through the poster brief and the information that I gained from that about the space, is that for something to get noticed it does need to be eye catching. 

Another piece of feedback that I received was that everyone was overly fond of the design of the main circle. One person stated “I don’t like the moving stuff in the circle”. The design of the installation is something that I have been recently looking at because I have not been particularly pleased with the design of the installation, and the fact that some people have also mentioned the design means that I will have to look at changing the design. The final piece of feedback that I received was that there should be more than one circle so that more people can use it at once. 

Overall this user testing has been very beneficial for many reasons. The first being is that people do interact with the installation in the way it has been designed to, which is a very big positive. The testing has also been beneficial because it has allowed me to identify areas of the installation that does need improving, such as the introduction of another visual aspect and the overall design of the main object. In the next few days I will begin to use this feedback and make changes to the installation. 

Sunday, 21 December 2014

Design Iterations - Face Tracking Project

Face Tracking Project - 2

I have decided that this project will not include the punktiert behaviour attraction work. This is because despite me simply thinking that placing the tracking function that I have previously created (see blog Face Tracking - 1), into the work in place of the mouse tracking, it does not work. This might be down to the vector systems that have been used within the work and for some reason they do not seem to react to face tracking. This is unfortunate as I believe that it could have created a very interesting installation. 

However I will now push on with the particle system idea as I believe that this could a very interactive and interesting idea. In the mean time I have been playing around with the visual aspects of this piece of work, as a plain circle moving around a screen is not the most appealing thing in the world, and as I have found through the poster brief (see blog post ---), for something to get noticed within the fast paced area that is weymouth house it needs to be visually appealing and striking. 

Above shows an idea that I am currently going with, which is having movement within the circle to make it less of still, boring, ambient object. Instead with the circles within the main object moving and changing colour it does bring more visually to the installation. However this will not be the final design for the circle and I will continue to experiment with it to find a way to make it more visually striking. 

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Design Iterations - Face Tracking Project

Face Tracking Project - 1

As discussed within a previous blog post, I have decided that I will be creating another installation. This installation will be using face detection to track the users location and then either have a circle following drawing in the environment with a particle system, or draw upon the be behaviour attraction work and have the objects within the environment become attracted to the user. I believe the latter will be the more interesting to do and use however the use of a particle system could also be a very interesting route to go do. 

However as both of the projects will involve me having to use face detection and tracking the users movement I have begun to experiment using face tracking. After talking with my lecturer he suggested that the best way would be to map the face and then use the faces x and y co-ordinates to determine the location of where the circle will be draw each frame. 

Above is the code that is being used to track the faces. essentially all code is doing is finding x and y location of the users face and then using this to draw the circle. However if it was left simply width-map(faces[i].width) the installation would not work correctly. This is because if it left like this the camera is opposite. This being if you were to move right, on the screen the circle would move left. To counter act this I had to mirror the camera which means adding the additional code to to the tracking. This means that the user will not become confused when using the installation that the objects are moving in a different way to what they are. 

The above video is a circle following my face through mapping. 

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Project Rethink

Punktiert / Circle Project 

I have recently found a library named punktiert. This liabary contains an number of different examples of processing drawings that have objects within them that have different behaviours. This one was called Behaviour Attraction. In terms of what it does it is very simple. What happens is that the circles are given an attractor, in this case the mouse, and when the mouse reaches a certain distance to the objects they begin to become attracted to the mouse and depending on how far away they are from the mouse they move at different speeds to it. 

Although this is a relatively simple drawing, it has given me inspiration for another installation. I am going to create an installation that does use face tracking to create a circle that follows the face. Once this has been created I will add either a particle system to the circle that will allow the user to draw or draw inspiration from this piece of work and use the circle as the attractor and attract the other circles. 

I am also not going to be continuing with the face swap project. This is because despite me in the previous blog post stating that the PImage possibly being the answer to me being able to store faces, I have not be able to find a way to make this work. Along with this I have never been completely sold on the idea of creating the face swap as my installation, so therefore I will only be focusing on this face tracking project.

The Code 

import punktiert.math.Vec;
import punktiert.physics.*;
VPhysics physics;
BAttraction attr;
int amount = 200;

public void setup() {
  size(800, 600);
  physics = new VPhysics();
  attr = new BAttraction(new Vec(width * .5f, height * .5f), 400, .1f);
  for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
    float rad = random(2, 20);
    Vec pos = new Vec(random(rad, width - rad), random(rad, height - rad));
    VParticle particle = new VParticle(pos, 4, rad);
    particle.addBehavior(new BCollision());
public void draw() {
  stroke(200, 0, 0);
  attr.setAttractor(new Vec(mouseX, mouseY));
  ellipse(attr.getAttractor().x, attr.getAttractor().y, attr.getRadius(), attr.getRadius());
  fill(0, 255);
  for (VParticle p : physics.particles) {
    ellipse(p.x, p.y, p.getRadius() * 2, p.getRadius() * 2);

Reference List 

Koehler, D., 2013. Punktiert. Lab-Eds, Available from: http://www.lab-eds.org/punktiert [Accessed 10 December 2014].

Friday, 5 December 2014


Colour Capture Cam

Within a recent processing workshop I was working with Declan Barry and Aaron Baker, and through playing with a piece of code that we were given we managed to create a simple yet quite an effective installation. Essentially what the installation is that, using the video processing library, it uses the camera to detect colours in the environment, the code then detects the colour and then updates the pixels on the screen to reflect the colours it sees. 

What the camera sees

What the code changes it to 

Although this is very simple it could work as an installation because as someone passes through the camera the colours that they are wearing will also be picked up and it will cause an update through the work, so that the person would be able to see them self, in colour form, move through the environment.

The Code 

import processing.video.*;
Capture cam;
float blocks=1024;
void setup(){
  size (1024,768);
  cam=new Capture(this,160,120);
void draw(){
void grabPixel(){
   color c;
   float v;
   for (int i=0; i<blocks; i++){
      c=cam.get(int((cam.width*(0.5))/blocks) + int(i*cam.width/blocks),  int(cam.height*0.5));
void drawBlocks(int i, color c){
   fill (c);

Declan's blog - https://declanbarrydesign.wordpress.com/
Aaron's blog - http://abaker.co/blog/ 

Design Iterations - Face Swap Project

Face Swap Project - 5 

Having found a way of saving faces and storing, thanks to Shiffman's GitHub repository, I have since been experimenting ways to use these stored faces. I first began researching if there was anyway that an image could be saved, placed into a folder and then immediately be called upon again. Unfortunately I was not able to find any examples of people doing. This has made have to find another way of storing the faces because the use of a folder I do not believe to be the answer. 

However looking at Shiffman's code I believe the answer to storing the face is within it. This is because within the below piece of code he is creating a PImage called "cropped". This image has the width and height of the detected face and this is essentially storing whatever is within the rectangle that is drawn around the detected face. I believe that if I can find a way of having each detected face stored within in a different PImage then I would be able to draw upon these detected faces and then create the face swap by simply swapping the the detected faces. 

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Design Iterations - Face Swap Project

Face Swap Project - 4

Following on from the previous blog post (see blog post Face Swap - 3), I have found a GitHub repository from Daniel Shiffman which has been very helpful in creating a live face detection feed which is need for my project. However as stated in that previous blog post my next goal was to find a way of storing/saving the detected faces. After some research looking for ways to store a face I found my self back at the same GitHub repository. Within the OpenCV folder there is an example called "LiveFaceDetect_SaveImages". Essentially this piece of code does the same thing as the live face detection however when the mouse is pressed it will save an image of everything within the rectangle and that is drawn around the face. It then takes this image and places it within a folder named "faces". 

I believe that this code will be very valuable to me, because if I can find a way of declaring the code to save the image when it sees the face and can then find a way of calling upon these images, then I will have a way of creating the face swap by using the faces and overlying them over the current face position of another person. 

Reference List

Shiffman, D., 2013. Shiffman-FaceIt/LiveFaceDetect_SaveImages. GitHub, Available from: https://github.com/shiffman/Face-It/blob/master/OpenCV/LiveFaceDetect_saveimages/LiveFaceDetect_saveimages.pde [Accessed 2 December 2014].

Friday, 28 November 2014

Design Iterations - Face Swap Project

Face Swap Project - 3 

Following on from the previous blog post (see blog post Face Swap - 2), I have found a library and a piece of code that allows for face detection on still images. Using this piece of code I have been attempting to make it work on live images through adding the video processing library. After sometime of attempting to do this I have not been able to do it. This led me to searching for someone that had. This led me to an amazing github repository from Daniel Shiffman. Within this repository there was an example of a live face detection. 

Looking at the code with Daniel Shiffman had done I was able to see were I was going wrong with my attempt. What I was doing incorrectly was not adding the IF statement if(faces != null) and the FOR loop. This is a key piece of code to the face detection because this is what tells the system to actively look for features of peoples faces and detect them. 

Code for the live face detect

Now that I have a piece of code that actively detects faces in real time I have completed the first stage of this project. The next stage that I need to complete is finding a way for the system to save or store the faces that it detects and then after that has been completed find a way that will allow these saved faces to be called upon and swap over. 

Reference List 

Shiffman, D., 2013. Shiffman-FaceIt. GitHub, Available from: https://github.com/shiffman/Face-It [Accessed 28 November 2014].

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Design Iterations - Face Swap Project

Face swap project - 2 

As mentioned in a previous post (see blog post Face Swap - 1) I am creating a face swap installation. Within that blog post I stated that there were three steps that needed to be completed in order to create the installation. The first was creating a live face detection fed. I have begun to start this task and have found an Open CV liabary on github by someone called  atduskgreg. Within this Open CV library there is was an example piece of code named face detection. This piece of code is the bases of my project. This is because the code uses face detection technology to detect faces within a photo. There is however one issue with the face detection and that is because it works on detecting typical features of the face such as the nose, mouth and the eyes if anything obstructs these feature, such as glasses then it does not detect the face. 

The above image shows the face detection working on a picture. 

The code for the face detection 

Although I have stated that I want the installation to detect faces in real time and not in pictures, this is a good start to the project as I have the library and the code in order to detect the faces. This means that I can now move forward with the project and begin to find ways to transfer this code from picture detection to real time camera detection. 


Atduskgreg, 2014. Atduskgreg/OpenCV-Processing. GitHub, Available from: https://github.com/atduskgreg/opencv-processing [Accessed 26 November 2014].

Saturday, 22 November 2014

Design Iterations - Face Swap Project

Face swap project - 1

I have decided to create a face swap as my installation for the brief. I have decided to do this because I believe that it is a project that will create an interesting installation at the end as well as it being a project that is attainable with my level of skill within processing. I believe that this project will also show off a number of different media theories such as the idea of a hyper reality and the fact that people are now struggling to distinguish between the real and simulated due to there online lives. This would be shown in this installation because some people are becoming so consumed by their online lives that their online lives are sometimes different to their real life, the idea that they are being someone that they are not. So creating a face swap where the user can essentially become someone else would represent this. 

As I have previously stated that I will be working in a iterative design process I thought that it would wise to create a step by step guide to what will have to be done in order to create this installation. 

1.) The first aspect of this project that will have to be completed is generating a live face detection fed through the camera. 

2.) The second part of this project will be finding a way to store/save the detected faces 

3.) The final part will be finding a way to use the stored faces and swap the faces around. 

Friday, 21 November 2014


Exploding Images 

In the most recent Processing workshop that I have had we learnt how to make a picture burst into many particles on the click of a mouse. The main reason for this workshop was to introduce us to the use of vectors and classes that previously I did not have much experience with. The code itself basically involves setting up a number of variables, loading the image and setting the size of the canvas to the size of the image. The code has been written so that gravity, position and velocity are linked together which means that when velocity is bound to Y, it has use of all of the forces. 

The Code

PImage img;
PVector grav;
ArrayList agents;
int p = 2;
float r,g,b;

void setup(){
  img = loadImage("apple.jpg");
  agents = imageToAgents();

void draw(){
  for (int i = 0; i < agents.size(); i++) {
     Agent tempA = (Agent)agents.get(i);
     if (mousePressed){

ArrayList imageToAgents() {
  ArrayList agents = new ArrayList();
  for(int x = 0; x < img.width; x += p){
    for (int y = 0; y < img.height; y += p){
      int loc = x + (y * img.width);
      color c = img.pixels[loc];
      Agent pixel = new Agent(x,y,c);
 return agents;

class Agent {
    PVector pos,vel,grav,force;
    float x,y;
    color c;

    Agent(int x, int y, color c){
     this.x = x;
     this.y = y;
     this.c = c;
     grav = new PVector (0,random(0.5,1));
     pos = new PVector (x,y);
     force = new PVector();
     vel = new PVector(random(-9,9),random(-9,9));
    void update(){
    void draw() {

Monday, 3 November 2014

Hyper Reality

Hyper Reality - Media Concept 

Hyper reality is a phase coined by Jean Baudrillard. The idea of a hyper reality is that where the age of information technology has become some awe consuming in western civilisation that new media has forced people in an induced reality called hyper reality (Buardillard 1970). As Hill and Fenner describes it "hyper reality is characterised by the collapse of the distinction between the real and the simulated" (2010 p.75). 

This idea of a hyper reality could be an interesting idea to use for the interative information design project. This is because this idea of a "hyper reality" is the idea that where the rise in new media and social media has become so pivotal to a persons life they are becoming consumed by these platforms and are making people being "no longer distinguish between real life and the online world, according to a major new survey." (Warman 2014). This can be seen in people using social media to create a life that they don't have or want to have, becuase this idea of the hyper reality collapses the boundaries between the real and the simulated so they in creating an online life for some people it becomes a reality. 

Hyper reality can be used a media concept within the installation project in many way. Becuase even a simple installation such as a user manipulating an object on a screen can be seen as a hyper reality because there is a collapse between the real and the simulated. 

Reference List 

Baudrillard, J., 1970. The Consumer Society. London: Sage Publications.

Hill, S. and Fenner, B., 2010. Media and Cultural Theory. Ventus Publishing. Available from: http://bookboon.com/en/media-and-cultural-theory-ebook#download [Accessed 19 December 2014].

Warman, M., 2014. Real world v online world: teens do not distinguis. The Telegraph, 27 April 2014, Available from: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/news/10791922/Real-world-v-online-world-teens-do-not-distinguish.html [Accessed 3 November 2014].

Friday, 31 October 2014

Design Iterations - Installation Brief

Installation Brief 

As mentioned in previous posts we have been set a brief to create an interactive installation created through processing that will be placed within Weymouth House. The brief states that the we have to create a piece of interactive information design to be shared in a public space. This piece of information design is meant to convey or example and concept which could be perceived as key to 21st century media experience. The brief does stipulate that the work that is produce can either be a literal piece of information design or we can choose to create a more abstract, artistic, piece. The brief states that we are to use camera based interaction. 

Looking at this brief I am going to have to begin think about media concepts that could make interesting information graphics. Some of these concepts that could work could be the increasing spread and importance of the internet to peoples lives or the idea of a hyper-reality. However these topics maybe hard to convey into a camera based interactive piece.

Ultimately I will spend the next number of weeks looking at different media concepts and find one which can be convey through an interactive information graphic. It is likely that I will be creating a more abstract piece of work, due to the fact that from the poster brief I have found that for something to be noticed within the fast paced area that is weymouth house, that it does have to be very eye catching and interesting. This means that if I go down the more artistic and abstract route I can create something eye catching that will gain attention from the audience. 

Wednesday, 29 October 2014


Digital Clock 

Over the weekend I extended onto a previous piece of work (see blog post 24/10/14) the basic premise of how a digital clock would work in processing. This was completed using "strings". Strings are defined as a sequence of characters. These characters can be coded in such a way that a certain character, i.e. 1, 2, 3, etc, would appear every second or amount of time that has been specified. To achieve this I created values such as second, minute, hour and organised them as ca be seen below. 

  String ye=str(year());
  String mo=str(month());
  String d=str(day());
  String h=str(hour());
  String m=str(minute());
  String s=str(second());  
  String time=ye+"/"+mo+"/"+d+" "+h+":"+m+":"+s;

What this does is it determines what order the characters shall be displayed in. The bottom string determines this and the inclusions of characters such as "/" and ":", mean that it will be displayed professionally like 29/10/14 11:20:30. The below image shows this. 

One issue that this does seem to have however is that the previous number does take some time to fade out, which does leave the second part to become quite unreadable. This is something that I am going to have to look at and change because the whole part of this is clock is that you can garner information from it, and if it is not able to be read then the whole thing is slightly pointless. 

Monday, 20 October 2014

Design Iterations - Poster Brief


Having completed the poster brief I have gained some very valuable information about the area which I will later be placing an interactive installation within. The first piece of information that I have learned about the area is that it is a very fast moving place where a majority of people are simply moving through and not standing around. This means that any installation that I make will have to be eye catching and interesting to make people want to stay and use it. The second thing that I found out about the area is that people that are sitting around are generally not aware of their surroundings. This is because from observing people in the area, those hat were sitting were either to engaged with a conversation with friends to pay any attention to what was going on in the surroundings or were by themselves and using a phone, tablet, etc. This means that either I will not target the people sitting down with my installation as they are generally involved in other activities or I will have to ensure that my installation does look eye catching and interesting so that they engage with the work. Finally I have also discovered that as it gets closer to the hour mark within Weymouth House the volume of people within it does go up however so does the number of people rushing through the space. This can be seen with our poster as the number of people that were glancing at the poster or taking time to read it did go down in the 5 minutes before and after the hour mark. This leads me to believe that the closer to the hour mark the less people my piece of work will attract, this is simply because the people that are moving through the space have places to go and are therefore not interested in their surroundings. 

From this experience I have gained a sense of how important it is to study the area that you are placing work within, as people simply do not act the way that you would expect them to. This is means that studying the area is key when making any piece of work because you can make an informed decision about what will work within the area and what won't. 

Friday, 17 October 2014


Developing Skills 

Using processing I created to three shapes and coded them so that they created a simple image of house. I then duplicated the image and placed them on top of each other on a continuous loop, this added with placing the images on a rotation allow me to create the below graphic designs. 

After this had been done, I added a rectangle to the image. This rectangle is not visible throughout the image however I was using it in the same way that an example I had seen was using it, which was to create a blur effect on the images so that instead of staying there on the canvas they immediately start to fade away. 

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Design Iterations - Poster Brief

Independent Dorset Poster

Today we placed our posters in Weymouth House. As mentioned in a previous post we had observed the movements of the people within the area. We had decided that the best place that we could place the poster would be on the pillar on the Costa counter. This is because we felt that out of the entire space this would be the place that would garner the most potential and actual views. This is because when we observed the area the queue that lead up to the place where we wanted to place the poster had people who were generally facing forward and would notice the poster, and the queue at no point stopped, therefore there would be a steady stream of people that would possibly see the poster. However one thing that we had not anticipated was the other people in our group wanting to place the poster in the same place. This meant that when it came to use placing the poster up the place that we had decided as a first choice was taken. This meant that we had to place the posters in another positions. 

The above picture shows where we placed the first of our posters. We had placed the poster on a pillar that was directly facing a set of well used doors. This turned out to be quite a successful place to position our poster because due to the fact that when you exited the doors the peoples eye line was directed straight towards the poster, therefore the poster received a lot of glances. However one thing that we had noticed was that if there was more that 2 or 3 people then none of them would look at the poster, it seemed as if when they were in a group that the people where not concerned with their surroundings and therefore did not really pay any attention towards the poster. 

The above picture shows where we placed the second of our posters. We had placed on the main door, with our reasoning begin that it should get a lot of attention as it will get a large amount of traffic. However this turned out not to be a great place to position our poster. This was due to the fact that like with the pillar if there was a large group of people then no one really payed any attention to the poster. We also had another problem, with that fact that as we had placed the poster on a moving surfaced that when people tried to start reading then the poster would move and they would lose interest in trying to see what information was on the poster. The final problem that we encounter with this position was that because the poster could move there was a case that for large amounts of time, while people were using the doors the poster was out of view. 

Out of the two places that we had positioned the posters the best place was pillar. This was because the poster was not obscured by anything and was direct in the peoples eye line, which meant that matching that with the design of the poster which was eye catching it generated a substantial amount of views. 

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Design Iterations - Poster Brief

Poster Decision + Area Research 

Today we presented our two poster designs to the group to gain some feedback on areas that we could improve and what design they actually preferred. We received mostly positive feedback on the posters with people stating that it was clear and straight to the point, which is what we wanted it to be. Other feed back that we received was that the text at the top of the poster could do with begin made slightly bigger, this was due to the fact that people at the back of the room was struggling to read the text. Finally from the feedback that we received, we have decided to use the blue poster. This is due to people saying that they preferred the colour of the blue one and the words that was used on it, was more catchy and memorable. They also said that the imagery that was used on the blue poster matched the words that was being used which made it better than the green one. 
Chosen poster 
Along with receiving feedback on our poster we also conducted some research of the area that we would be placing the poster, to see where would be the best place that we could put it. From observing the area for a while we have found some things. One thing that we have found that people that are sat at the tables in the area are not looking at there surroundings, they are either socialising with friends, eating or drinking and not paying attention or they are on some sort of device. Because of this we feel we not target the people that are siting at the tables because unless we can print of many posters and place them on the tables it is unlikely that they would notice it. An area that we had found that could be of great use in terms of getting our posters seen is on a pillar on the counter of Costa. This is because we observed that people that are in the line are generally looking forward and therefore they would glance at the poster, and once they reach the counter they would notice the poster anyway. We feel that this would be a good place because one it would people in the line would notice it and secondly it would get a new people looking constantly because what we noticed is that the line really never ended, there was someone always waiting to be served. This means that the amount of people that there would be a chance of seeing the poster would be increased. 

From our observations of the area we feel that that the pillar on the stand of Costa would be the best place, however there are other areas that would be appropriate such as the pillar in front of the main doors, as people leaving it would notice it as it is straight in there eye line the moment that they step out of the doors. 

While observing the area we also picked up on something else in terms of the behaviour of the people. This was that as it approached near the hour (when the lectures start) people moved through the space slightly quicker and were more focused, where as in the middle of the hour people were in less of a rush and seemed to notice there surrounding more. Along with this we also found that people that were in large groups were almost oblivious to there surroundings and more concerned their group.

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Design Iterations - Poster Brief

Independent Poster Design 

After receiving some feedback on our original ideas for the independent Dorset we decided to scrap the idea of having a puzzle themed idea. We felt that this idea would not really scream to the person that this poster is about an independent Dorset because it would be to dependent on the graphics. 

Through some further research and brainstorming we decided that we would go on a simple colourful design that did essentially scream that the poster was about an independent Dorset. We felt that this would be a good idea because we felt a poster that was colourful and had large text on it would grab the attention of the passers by in Weymouth House and very quickly get the message across. Below are the two posters that we have created. 

We feel that these two posters do meet the brief because they very concisely get the message across that this about an independent Dorset. We also incorporated some landmarks from Dorset such as the Bill Tower and Durdle Door, as we felt that this made it more personal to Dorset people and make them pay more attention to it as it is something that they would recognise. We also used a hashtag to make it seem as this was a real movement and due to the fact that most campaigns do have a hashtag to allow people who are interested to find there movement easier. 

As the brief only asked for one poster we are going to wait for feedback to one see if there is any changes that need to be made and secondly what version is the most preferred.