Monday, 3 November 2014

Hyper Reality

Hyper Reality - Media Concept 

Hyper reality is a phase coined by Jean Baudrillard. The idea of a hyper reality is that where the age of information technology has become some awe consuming in western civilisation that new media has forced people in an induced reality called hyper reality (Buardillard 1970). As Hill and Fenner describes it "hyper reality is characterised by the collapse of the distinction between the real and the simulated" (2010 p.75). 

This idea of a hyper reality could be an interesting idea to use for the interative information design project. This is because this idea of a "hyper reality" is the idea that where the rise in new media and social media has become so pivotal to a persons life they are becoming consumed by these platforms and are making people being "no longer distinguish between real life and the online world, according to a major new survey." (Warman 2014). This can be seen in people using social media to create a life that they don't have or want to have, becuase this idea of the hyper reality collapses the boundaries between the real and the simulated so they in creating an online life for some people it becomes a reality. 

Hyper reality can be used a media concept within the installation project in many way. Becuase even a simple installation such as a user manipulating an object on a screen can be seen as a hyper reality because there is a collapse between the real and the simulated. 

Reference List 

Baudrillard, J., 1970. The Consumer Society. London: Sage Publications.

Hill, S. and Fenner, B., 2010. Media and Cultural Theory. Ventus Publishing. Available from: [Accessed 19 December 2014].

Warman, M., 2014. Real world v online world: teens do not distinguis. The Telegraph, 27 April 2014, Available from: [Accessed 3 November 2014].

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