Wednesday, 26 February 2014


Panoramic Images 

Today we have been given a brief of having to create the alphabet out of pictures which on closer inspection create letters. However this is just a starter task to get our imaginations working as we have also been introduced to a photography technique of panoramic images. 

"Panoramic photography is a technique of photography....that captures images with elongated fields of view. It is sometimes known as wide format photography."

Panoramic images work by stitching a number of different images together, which makes the image look as though it is one large picture. Recently this photography technique has become increasingly popular, due to the introduction of the feature to most smartphones. This has allowed more people, that perhaps have limited skill in photography, to create some incredible pictures. 

Although the panoramic feature in most smartphones does the job of created panoramic images very well, there are methods which allow for even better panoramic images to be created. One of these methods is through using a piece of open source software called Hugin. This piece of software allows the user to input a number of pictures of a scene (these pictures should ideally be taken on tripod and have at least 10% of the previous image within them) and then the software will find points in which they are similar and switch them together. 

Hugin is incredibly useful because unlike the panoramic feature on a phone, it allows for 360 horizontal images to be made. This is an incredibly useful feature because if implemented with a plugin within a browser then this could be used as an immersive user experience. 

Using Hugin, I will be soon creating some panoramic images, which will then be present in my portfolio. 

[Accessed: 25 Feb 2014].

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